Friday, October 22, 2010

Green around piercing hole?

I wore some cheap earrings for too long because I forgot to take them out and in a minute my ears are a bit green. This has happen before and gone away after a few days, but is at hand a faster way to attain rid of it then only time?Green around piercing hole?
The peroxide should work, but be careful or you could stain your clothing. You could also try rubbin alocohol, but if your ears are coarse or irritated at all, it will sting.
The judgment for your ears turning green depends on the metal that your earrings are made of. Copper tends to turn skin green. Sterling Silver is made beside a certain percentage of copper and can turn your skin black or green depending on the percentage. Gold is also mixed next to copper, nickel, etc. and can cause staining but it's bloody. The lower the number on your gold, the smaller number gold it if truth be told contains.
However, gold plate jewelry is cheap and can still stain. Gold occupied is a bit better, but still not as good as say aloud an 18k.
If you can't afford to upgrade your jewelry to real gold ingots or platinum, try coating it in clear pin polish wear it touches your skin. I wouldn't recommend this with your earrings though.
Good luck!
Try rubbing the infected nouns with a cotton orb that has hydrogen peroxide on it twice a time.Make sure you throw away the earrings that caused the infection contained by the first place.
Its just because the earring be fake, use some alcohol to verbs it and get some stearling silver ones or stainless steal, or 14k gold ingots.

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