Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Everytime i shave i win...?

day subsequent i get these itchy wee red spots?i put aftershave and moisturiser on it but still itchy and i doing enything wrong when i shave?Everytime i shave i win...?
my brother use to gain this all the time. he next started using shaving oil and really rubbing it inot the pelt follicles first...leaving it on a minute or two consequently shaving. shave slowly too and use very hot hose down. even steam your face furst
try using a shaving cream to mosturize your skin while shaving.
You want to try some different razor blades!
hold the aftershave for your face only-or if you are a feminine cut out the aftershave
Have a wet shave. If you are using a electric blade it rips the hairs out instead of adjectives them
You need skin lubricated. Seems similar to the razor is running to dry. Make sure your pores are embark on by placing a hot facewasher or water on your frontage so its thoroughly warm and use grease and ****. moisturise well after
your razer could be dirty cause an infection on the skin change the blades regular
Try to avoid putting after shave on your obverse, as it is an irritant.
Use a balm... which isn't an irritant.
Try to avoid soap on your face.
Wet shave, and bring your time... slow down.
I use oils on my facade, and there's never a problem.
The fashion very soon unfortunatly is to look scruffy and hold stubble... fair adequate, but when you have to win rid, it is like a shock to your skin.
If however you shave at tiniest once every three days you will find that you no longer have a skin irritant problem.
Good luck, and moral health.
king of shaves grease is one of the best shaving oils

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