Friday, December 2, 2011

Hay restlessness symptom?

My throat feels thoughtful of swollen, but it isnt. It's kind of resembling when you have nerves or something making your throat on edge, but not as bad. Is that a symptom of hay disorientation?Hay restlessness symptom?
Symptoms for the hay fever are:
1. Sneezing
2. Runny Nose
3. Congested Nose
4. Sensation of Plugges Ears
5. Watery/ Bloodshot Eyes
6. Itchiness
7. Fatigue
8. Trouble Sleeping
9. Coughing
10. Sore Thoat
11. Headache
12. Fever
13. Wheezing
Hope this help.
If your throat is swollen but your still breathing okay enough to write this, pilfer some Benadryl and see if that helps. If you are have difficulty breathing call 911. You might hold a food allergy. I have never have a swollen throat with my hay confusion, just resembling an itchy throat. Good luck.

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