Friday, December 2, 2011

Having a bowl movement and have blood also, stool self tender comming out. Blood is not contained by the stool?

It has happen a few times just a small blood spot when I wipe but once so far similar to a period blood come out.
What is wrong? I had a kid 5 weeks ago, if that has anything to do near it (probally not)Having a bowl movement and have blood also, stool self tender comming out. Blood is not contained by the stool?
i moved a bowl this morning in my kitchen, but i didn't see any bleeding...
possibly you need a different bowl.
you most possible have fissure. its a small opening in your anal inside layer. have you be taking pain meds? It is thoroughly painful. Drink plenty of wet and get tons of fiber. I have the same entity happen and it freshly got worse and worse i completed up going to a specialist. Preperation H and all that stuff does not facilitate with a fissure...sorry. Now if the blood is a dull brown or blackish color then you inevitability to worry b/c it way that there is problem up complex in your intestinal track. any way if it does not obtain better contact your doctor.
you might be constipated, which would account for the misery. it also would account for the blood, if your anus is torn a bit from straining. purloin a mild laxative and see if that helps. your body is still getting subsidise to "normal" after having the newborn. they could be related.
actually the pregnancy process is responsible, the pressures of child deportment cause you to own developed internal hemmorhoids. Any time you have fresh blood from the rectum, the most promising diagnosis is hemmorhoids, especially with intricate painful stools. Talk to your doctor roughly hydrocortisone suppositories, in the meantime grasp some preparation H suppositories, they will help. And consider a stool softener to prevent thorny painful bowel movements. Docusate Sodium is available over the counter and taken each day with a quart of wet will stop hard stools contained by about three days.
It could be a hemorrhoid.

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