Friday, December 2, 2011

Haveing leg aching, chest spasm, sore throat, headache, twitches, nouns niggle and lower side backache? aid?

i am going to the er in a moment or two while. what could this be. also wass spitting up blood and the er said they couldnt find anythinh. and haveing pain within my finger and toe and arm weakness.Haveing leg aching, chest spasm, sore throat, headache, twitches, nouns niggle and lower side backache? aid?
Oh my, I own not heard of adjectives these symptoms for just one basis. It sounds like you call for to be seen by a doctor who will provide you a very thorough exam!!
Don't hang about too long! I hope they can find the problem hurredly!
Tuberculosis or flu go to hospital im no doctor
Pains within your chest need medical attention straight away.
Do what the doctor tell you and for G-d's sake start exercising.
Ask for an MRI - pain adjectives over like that sounds similar to a spinal cord issue or possibly a brain issue.
sounds like you own a serious problem, the best thing to do would shift to a doctor.
It could be many things in that is no way to know motivation of the symptoms your describing... it could be an allergic reaction to a tablets or drug or it could be a myocardial disorder.. but with out doing some blood interview its not east to determine go see your doc asap seriously and if they notify you nothings wrong go somewhere else..
Sounds close to pneumonia.

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