Friday, December 2, 2011

Has anyone ever get an twinge surrounded by their penis after sexual hum, if so how long does the hurt end for?

My girlfriend masturbated me too hard 5 weeks ago, i get an ache the hours of daylight after, and 5 weeks later i still hold that constant ache contained by my *** everyday..i have be to the doctors and they are not sure what it is and have given me painkillers but they dont work..anyone know whats wrong?? and can anyone recommend any cure for it??Has anyone ever get an twinge surrounded by their *** after sexual hum, if so how long does the hurt end for?
you can use orajel, it is an anethetic, it will block the sensation, the affliction will be releived but sexual activity will also be impair for the next 6-8 hours, consistency free to talk to your doctor going on for this, good luck
She may enjoy pulled it the wrong way and like mad of girls a very ruff when giving mitt relief, ego say u hold probably torn tissue u know u can break ur *** though, and that is supposedly incredibly painful

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