Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Get rid of skin moles?

Get rid of skin moles?
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Most moles are harmless, but some can front to melanomas (a form of skin cancer). You need to enjoy them evaluated and monitored by a dermatologist. Most insurances won't pay for removal unless within are skin cancer risks, as it can also be considered a cosmetic issue.
What type? The raised ones or the flat ones, that's almost resembling a freckle? The raised ones...doctor can remove it by adjectives it off. Others by chem. skin or laser
I had a pretty big one when I be younger that just disappeared.
It is best to travel to your dermatologist. They will screen the removed mole to see if it is cancerous. They can also look at other moles you may be worried out to explain to you whether or not it might be serious. If you're like me and you merely want to get rid of it because you don't similar to the look of it, remember that the mole can grow back again. I get one removed because I hated the process it looked and now it have completely grown back. So, that be pretty useless.

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